Polio con rosemarino (roast chicken with rosemary)

1 hour + marinating ■ Serves 4 ■ EASY

Don't skimp on the rosemary; the more the better. If you know how to joint a chicken, do, as meat roasted on the bone is best.

chicken pieces 1.8g, preferably on the bone
rosemary large handful, roughly chopped
garlic 1 small bulb, cloves peeled and bashed
olive oil 100ml
white wine 200ml
lemons 2, cut into wedges

■ Toss the chicken with plenty of salt, pepper, rosemary (including any woody stems), garlic and olive oil until well slicked. Leave to marinate for as long as you have time for. Overnight would be marvellous, 30 minutes is permissible.
■ Set the oven on a high setting - around 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. Spread over a roasting tin, skin-side down, in a single layer, cover with foil, and roast for 30 minutes. Remove the foil, turn the pieces skin-side up and roast for a further 15 minutes, until oven-golden and delicious. Transfer to a warmed dish.
■ Add the wine to the garlic and bits in the roasting tin, bubble up on the hob and offer this with the chicken, plus a fist of lemon. Rocket salad and bread on the side is all you need to add. That's it.

Source:Polio con rosemarino (roast chicken with rosemary)
Polio con rosemarino (roast chicken with rosemary)


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